California Recall Election- Don't Forget to Vote! (9/14)

CA will vote on recalling Governor Gavin Newsome, and Sonoma County will vote on recalling District Attorney Jill Ravitch. Official election information here.

Tenants Rights Clinic/Clínica de derechos de lxs inquilinxs (7/16)

Friday, July 16th/viernes 16 de julio

Bayer Farm & Garden

1550 West Ave.

Santa Rosa, CA 95407

Clínica de derechos de lxs inquilinxs presentado por La Unión de Inquilinxs del Condado de Sonoma y Asistencia Legal Rural de California

Tenant's Rights Clinic presented by Sonoma County Tenants Union and California Rural Legal Assistance

Questions/Preguntas: Beatrice Camacho bcamacho@northbayop.org

Se aplicaran las precauciones de Social Distancing y Covid-19

Social Distancing and Covid-19 precautions will be practiced

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Meeting (7/13)

Sign the petition here, and mark your calendar for the Board of Supervisors meeting on July 13th so your voice can be heard on this issue during public comment, at or after 11am. If you would like to learn how to give a public comment, please email DeepDemocracyNBOP@gmail.com for information on a workshop 7/12 at 5:15pm to 6pm.

Go to:
Enter meeting ID: 934 2402 0449
Enter Password: 167066

By phone:
Dial +1 (669) 900 9128
Enter meeting ID: 934 2402 0449
Enter password: 167066

In person:
575 Administration Drive
Room 100 A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Members of the public are encouraged to attend virtually but may attend in person with modified protocols. Seating will not be available in the Board Chambers for public participants. Members of the public may listen to the Board meeting in the Administration Building hall or outside the main entrance. Limited socially-distanced seats will be available in the building hall and outdoors.

If you can't make the meeting, email or call your Supervisor:
District 1: Susan Gorin
District 2: David Rabbitt
District 3: Chris Coursey
District 4: James Gore
District 5: Lynda Hopkins, Board Chair district5@sonoma-county.org

All members: 707.565.2241

IOLERO Community Advisory Council Meeting (6/7)

The IOLERO Community Advisory Council (CAC) will be discussing their recommendations to the Sonoma County Sheriff. IOLERO was granted more funding and more power when the voters passed Measure P. Let's make sure the CAC hears from the community! The agenda and meeting link will be published here in early June.

Eviction Defense and De-escalation Training (5/23)

Training by Sonoma County Tenants Union and Non Violence Training Collective on how to de-escalate potentially hostile situations pertaining to eviction defense. Meet other tenants' rights activists and learn how to ground yourself during actions to keep yourself and other community members safe.

Community Conversations on Race (5/17)

MONDAY, May 17th!!!! Don’t miss this powerful and important conversation. We feel incredibly lucky to have the voices of Jerry Threet, Dmitra Smith, Ener Chui and Sheba Person-Whitley for this week’s, “Community Conversations on Race”.

Join us in a discussion on what it means to “Defund The Police”, restorative justice, and coming up with effective solutions through data and looking at public safety as a public health issue.

Unity Through Community Walk (5/15)

Saturday, May 15 2021

Santa Rosa Junior College Front Lawn

2 PM to 5 PM

Mask Up

Proudly Wear Your Caps!

Awesome Speakers!

Great Performances

ASL Interpreters

Contact Info:


Attention Protestors and Concerned Citizens!

The Santa Rosa City Council will be discussing the following reports on May 4-5th:

  • Commission on Human Rights Report entitled "Human Right Violations in Santa Rosa California Policing the Black Lives Matter Protests"

  • The Report produced by OIR Group evaluating the investigations of individual complaints against SPRD officers for their acts during the protests

  • The After Action Report by Hillard Heinze evaluating the full response by SRPD during the protests for lessons learned

The Council will hear all three reports, then take public comment. The council will then break for the day and the hearing will reconvene on May 5 at 10 am to talk about the listening sessions, what they may have already started to do in terms of changes, and where the City should go from here.


We must hold our city leaders and law enforcement accountable.

Santa Rosa City Council Meeting Info

This Special Meeting will begin on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at 1:00 p.m., and reconvene on Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

OR DIAL 877-853-5257 AND ENTER WEBINAR ID: 917 7547 5227

Link to Agenda
Orden Del Día

We also recommend attending the Community Advisory Board (CAB) meetings. This board is the bridge between the public and the city council. They bring concerns from the community to their appointed council member.

The next meeting is Wednesday April 28th.

Participate by
OR BY DIALING 877 853 5257

Public Comment may be made live during the meeting via Zoom or submitted by 5:00 pm, the Tuesday (4/27) before the CAB Meeting via e-mail at communityengagement@srcity.org or via recorded voice message at 707-543-3080.

Important City & County Meetings (3/15-24)

Sonoma County

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 8:30 AM

Important Item: 28
8:45 A.M. IOLERO Implementation of Measure P a.k.a The Evelyn Cheatham
Effective IOLERO Ordinance (Ordinance No. 6333)
Receive an update o n the implementation plan of Measure P

Participate by computer, tablet, or smartphone application: Go to:
Enter meeting ID: 943 4744 8610
Enter Password: 278432

Participate by phone: Dial +1 (669) 900 9128
Enter meeting ID: 943 4744 8610
Enter password: 278432

City of Cotati

City Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 at 5 PM


To Join the Meeting:
Go to zoom.us
Enter Webinar ID: 865 9284 5776
Enter Password: 514055

City of Petaluma

City Council Meeting

Monday, March 15, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Important Item: 4.A - Ad Hoc Community Advisory Committee
Reviewing, revising and/or appointing members to the Ad Hoc Community Advisory Committee for police oversight.

To Join the Meeting:

By phone:
Dial: 1-669-900-9128,
Enter meeting ID: 999 6721 8755#
(dial *9 to raise hand to speak)

General Plan Advisory Committee

Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 6:30 PM

To Join the Meeting:

By phone:
Dial: (669) 900-9128
Enter Webinar ID: 912 1101 8537

City of Santa Rosa

City Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 at 2:30 PM

Important Item: 3.1 Open Government Ordinance Review

OR BY DIALING 877-853-5257 AND
ENTER WEBINAR ID: 917 7547 5227

SoCo Tenants’ Rights Workshop/Taller de Derchos de Lxs Inquilinxs/ናይ ተኻረይቲ መሰላት ዎርክሾፕ (3/11)

Event by Sonoma County Tenants Union and North Bay Organizing Project

Resister at: tinyurl.com/311kyr

Join us to learn your rights as a Tenant in Sonoma County! We will have an attorney from Legal Aid of Sonoma County providing information and answering questions.

This will be in English, with Tigrinya and Spanish interpretation.


¡Únase a nosotrxs para conocer sus derechos como inquilinx en el condado de Sonoma! Tendremos una abogada de Legal Aid of Sonoma County que proporcionará información y responderá preguntas.

Será en inglés, con interpretación al tigrinya y al español.

Regístrese en: tinyurl.com/311kyr

Important City & County Meetings (1/26-27)


Board of Supervisors Meeting

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 8:30AM

Important Item: Item #42B COVID-19 Renter Protection Information and Discussion of Options

JOIN THE ZOOM MEETING: Participate by computer, tablet, or smartphone application:

Go to: https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/j/96249055004?pwd=ejc5VmMrS0RkbGs4Z2NPVnZuM1MvUT09

Enter meeting ID: 962 4905 5004

Enter Password: 278432

Participate by phone: Dial +1 (669) 900 9128

Enter meeting ID: 962 4905 5004

Enter password: 278432



Cit Council Meeting

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 700PM

Important Item: 11D: Racial Bias Polling Results


Passcode: 856217

Livestream: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/DpWPC5yWv8f8QGjizCKth?domain=cotaticityca.iqm2.com



City Council Meeting

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 3:00PM


PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY VISITING: https://srcity-org.zoom.us/j/91775475227

OR DIAL 877-853-5257

ENTER WEBINAR ID: 917 7547 5227


Public Safety Subcommittee

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 1:00PM

Important Items: 6.1-6.5 SRPD and the Community

PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY VISITING https://srcity-org.zoom.us/j/97703396899

OR BY DIALING 877-853-5257

AND ENTER WEBINAR ID: 977 0339 6899



Community Advisory Board (CAB)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6:00PM

Important Item: 7.1 Response to Mental Illness and Homelessness

PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY VISITING: https://srcity-org.zoom.us/j/95190608695

OR BY DIALING 877 853 5257



Georgia Lee Moses Remembrance Walk (1/7/2021)

JANUARY 7, 2021




23 years ago, the world lost a beautiful soul. Please join us as we celebrate Georgia’s memory with a remembrance walk on her birthday. She would have turned 36 years old.

Covid 19 Guidelines! Please stay 6ft apart and in your pods.

Strategic Plan Community Session –Climate Action and Resiliency (11/13)

Let the Board of Supervisors know THIS FRIDAY that bold, urgent climate action is the only step left available to us. Our livable future is on the line. The best preparation for the Climate Crisis is to build resilient, bioculturally diverse communities together, so let's take part in doing just that on November 13.

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is holding listening sessions to gather community input on the county’s Strategic Plan for the NEXT 5 YEARS. This is our chance to protect the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink! Tune into the meeting on the Climate Action and Resiliency portion of the strategic plan November 13 at 12 PM in English or 6 PM en Español at bit.ly/5toFuture.

For those who can’t make this time, please still let the Board of Supervisors know your input by taking the survey at https://sonomacounty.ca.gov/.../Strateg.../Community-Events/ by December 11.

(Copied from the Sunrise Movement)

Community Advisory Council Meeting (11/2)

November 2nd, at 6pm, the Sonoma County Community Advisory Committee will be discussing the procedures and policies for posting body worn camera footage online with the Sheriff's Office and Civilian Office of Police Accountability. Listen in if you can so we can keep our Sheriff accountable.

Meeting and Agenda Information below:

Join the Zoom meeting on your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Go to: https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/j/96145401241?pwd=aFg0ZlZSbUpFc0hRaHhvVGd0VkVEdz09

Call-in and listen to the meeting:

By telephone: Dial 1(669) 900-9128

Webinar ID: 961 4540 1241

Passcode: 465376

Spanish translation will be provided within the zoom application, you must use version 4.5.0 or later. Beginning in January, Spanish translation will be provided as an accommodation if requested in advance. Para traducción en español, se tiene que usar la versión de Zoom 4.5.0 o una versión más adelantada. Empezando en enero, traducción en español se proveerá si usted lo pide antes de la junta.

DISABLED ACCOMMODATION: If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the CAC Secretary at (707) 565-1534 or by email Law.Enforcement.Auditor@sonoma-county.orgby 12:00 p.m., Friday, October 30, 2020. We will make every effort to provide for an accommodation.


  1. Welcome and Designed Team Alliance
    Facilitated by CAC Chair and Vice-Chair

  2. Roll Call, Agenda Review, and Approval of the Minutes
    Facilitated by CAC Chair and Vice-Chair

  3. Ad Hoc Reports
    De-Escalation: Lorena Barrera
    : Alma Roman Diaz

  4. Procedures and Policies for Posting Body Worn Camera Footage Online
    CAC Discussion with representatives from the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, Axon, and the Civilian Office of Police Accountability.

  5. Public Comment for items on the agenda and not appearing on the agenda but within the subject matter jurisdiction of IOLERO and CAC. Please state your name and who you represent, if applicable. Comments will be limited to three minutes at the discretion of the CAC based on number of comments and other factors.

Applications for New Community Advisory Committee by Oct 2nd

SANTA ROSA, CA – The City of Santa Rosa is requesting members of the public to help shape its future by applying to become a part of the Community Advisory Committee for its General Plan Update (GPU). Members of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) act as liaison to ensure that input from the broader community is heard as the GPU is developed over the next three years. CAC applications, available at SRCity.org/SRForward, will be accepted until October 2, 2020.

The CAC will be made up of a geographically and culturally diverse group of 25 individuals representing a variety of community members with direct ties and stakes in the City. A total of 18 members will be selected through an open CAC application process and the remaining seven members will be appointed by the City Council. The CAC will actively build public involvement and help garner feedback from the community during the development of the GPU. (via srcity.org)

Community Advisory Council Meeting (8/31)

The Community Advisory Council of Sonoma County will be having a meeting on August 31st at 6pm to discuss restorative justice with a panel of local activists and community organizers. Please attend if you can, the county board wants to hear from the community about this topic.

Agenda and meeting information is below:

Join the Zoom meeting application on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Go to: https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/j/99769998220?pwd=KzFLeHYyQmJ2YWpxa040clhhS24vdz09

  1. Call-in and listen to the meeting:
    By telephone: Dial 1-669-900-9128
    Webinar ID: 997 6999 8220
    Password: 418736

  2. Spanish translation will be provided within the zoom application, you must use version 4.5.0 or later. Para traducción en español, se tiene que usar la versión de Zoom 4.5.0 o una versión más adelantada.


  1. Welcome and Designed Team Alliance
    Facilitated by CAC Chair and Vice-Chair

  2. Roll Call, Agenda Review, and Approval of the Minutes

  3. Facilitated by CAC Chair and Vice-Chair

  4. Directors Report

  5. IOLERO Director, Karlene Navarro

  6. Ad Hoc Reports

  7. De-Escalation: Dora Barrera
    Compliance: Lorez Bailey

  8. Creating a Space and Pathway for Restorative Justice
    Facilitators: Lorez Bailey, Lorena Barrera
    Panelists: Veronica Cruz, Alegria de la Cruz, Delashay Carmona Benson, Kimmie Barbosa Soeiro, Libby Cuffie, Onjelle Washington,
    If you have questions about restorative justice that you would like to hear our panel discuss, the CAC is asking that you submit your questions to: CAC@sonoma-county.org by August 27 at 5pm.

  9. CAC Discussion

  10. Public Comment for items on the agenda and not appearing on the agenda but within the subject matter jurisdiction of IOLERO and CAC. Please state your name and who you represent, if applicable. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes at the discretion of the CAC based on number of comments and other factors.

Call To Action: Contact SRJC to Accept the BSU's Demands (8/31)

The Black Student Union has the following demands for the President/Superintendent of Santa Rosa Junior College, Dr. Frank Chong:

  1. We DEMAND a Black/Ethnic Studies Department be created at SRJC.

  2. We DEMAND an Office for Black Student Development starting FALL 2020. This office should have ample funding to increase Black student’s enrollment, retention, completion, graduation, and successful transfer. This office should have a full-time coordinator.

  3. We DEMAND more Faculty and Staff of color.

  4. We DEMAND the IMMEDIATE Removal of Don Edgar from the Board of Trustees. ANYONE in Leadership, Staff, Faculty, or Administration that has been accused and convicted of Embezzlement, Briberies, Discrimination, Bullying, Stigmatizing, or Harassing be removed from their positions IMMEDIATELY.

  5. The above 4 demands represent our TOP priorities

  6. We DEMAND scholarships for Black Students.

  7. We DEMAND that the 2020-21 District Police funding be defunded and diverted to Black programs and alternative campus safety programs.

  8. We DEMAND the hiring of a Black Therapist such as Dianna L Grayer and more full-time culturally competent therapists.

  9. We DEMAND that any Campus Security at BSU events need BSU input and approval.

  10. We DEMAND that Dr. Chong come to our BSU meeting once a semester to keep us posted on the progress of our DEMANDS.

  11. We DEMAND the IMMEDIATE DISARMING of District Police.

  12. We DEMAND the creation and enforcement of a Comprehensive Racial Awareness and Inclusion Curriculum throughout all campuses, departments, and units that is mandatory for ALL Students, Faculty, Staff, and Administration. This curriculum must be VETTED, MAINTAINED, and OVERSEEN by a board comprised of students, culturally competent staff, and faculty.

  13. We DEMAND all Staff, Faculty, and Administration (including the Board of Trustees) be required to participate in ongoing professional learning around anti-racism during orientation and then every (2 years) there-after. That SRJC Trains Faculty who are not yet prepared to be involved in such courses to be able to do so.

  14. WE DEMAND there be no retaliation—including but not limited to: loss of jobs, threats, reprimand, change of job duties—against THE FACULTY, STAFF, AND ADMINISTRATORS THAT SUPPORT BLACK STUDENT UNION STUDENTS and these demands.

  15. We DEMAND the population of Black Students and Black Faculty at SRJC increase to match or exceed the national percentage of Black people in the country.

  16. We DEMAND FREE tuition for Black and Indigenous students.

  17. We DEMAND that 2020 Summer Classes not have due dates or deadlines as a way to increase retention and respond to the pandemic in an equity-minded way.

We DEMAND SRJC Create a Strategic Plan that will increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain Diversity Curriculum, Training, and Promote a more Safe and Inclusive campus. This should include a plan to have ALL Students educated to live, think, and work cross-culturally and promote Diversity and Inclusion. (via SRJC website)

Contact Dr. Frank Chong to demand that he and the rest of the SRJC Board accept these conditions.

Dr. Frank Chong



Zehra Sonkaynar

Administrative Assistant, Capital Projects and President's Office


Bailey Hall

1501 Mendocino Ave.

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Vote for Measure P: Increase Oversight of Law Enforcement

Measure P: Changes to Law Enforcement Review Board (November 2020)

An ordinance that would make changes to the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO) powers is on the ballot for voters in Sonoma County, California, on November 3, 2020.

A "yes" vote supports replacing the ordinance that governs the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO) to make the following changes:

  • require the director of the IOLERO to be qualified as a Certified Practitioner of Oversight by the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement,

  • prohibit the director's removal unless approved by a four-fifths vote of the board of supervisors,

  • authorize access to all investigative evidence, contact witnesses, and subpoena records,

  • recommend disciplinary actions for officers subject to IOLERO investigations,

  • authorize the publication of body camera footage on the IOLERO website,

  • impose duties on the sheriff-coroner and require cooperation with the IOLERO,

  • require triennial performance audits of the IOLERO and set the office's budget at 1% of the total budget for the sheriff-coroner, and make the board of supervisors the appointing power for the Community Advisory Council.

A "no" vote opposes repealing and replacing the ordinance that governs the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO), thereby maintaining its existing scope and powers.

A simple majority vote is required for the approval of Measure P. (via ballotpedia)

The Sonoma County Registrar of Voters is taking feedback for ballot dropoff and voting locations.

The Sonoma County Registrar of Voters is taking public feedback and comment regarding the proposed locations for in-person voting and secure ballot drop off boxes during the November election. Ballot drop boxes will open October 6th and be open through Election Day. Voting locations will be open a minimum of 8 hours a day on Saturday, October 31st, Sunday, November 1st and Monday, November 2nd, and will be open from 7am to 8pm on Tuesday, November 3rd (Election Day). Feedback will be accepted through Monday, August 24, 2020.

Click Here to go to the Survey

Once on the survey site, you can either give feedback on existing proposed voting locations or suggest a new location. To comment on an existing location, click on the map to select the one you wish to comment on and then fill out the survey boxes. Your comment can be as simple as, "I support this site" or "I do not support this site".

URGENT: Immigrant Rights Mobilization

Did you know that 5 people were picked up by ICE this past week in our North Bay Counties? Show up to support our immigrant community and demand that our government protect our communities from ICE.


  • The State of California gives economic assistance to undocumented workers affected by Covid19

  • Sonoma County condemn the recent ICE raids and pass a Sanctuary Law

  • Sonoma County resolve the high rate of Covid19 in the Latinx communities

Vigil for Immigrant Justice on Wed, August 19th 5:30-7 PM on Sebastopol Rd in Roseland.

Link to Calendar event